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For $15 a month, you can access all the resources and tools you need to develop your platforms and grow your career as a content creator.

What does your subscription include?

Instant access to our exclusive guides and resources

Monthly content planning guides and calendars

Access to our virtual library that covers every topic you need to jumpstart your career in content creation

All the templates you need to create media kits, contracts, and invoices

Worksheets to help you set goals, plan content, write effectively, and more

Special rates for our summits and conferences

First access and special prices for our #MAGNETBOX program.

Be part of our agency’s Press Kit list.

Choose the best option for you!

Magnet Access

$15/ month

$150/ year

Magnet Access is an exclusive membership that is intended to develop a community of content creators and/or entrepreneurs who are looking to start growing in social networks.

  • Access to our virtual library
  • Access to educational seminars through the year
  • Free access to social events created by DOT and Magnet
  • Two 1:1 meetings with other Magnet Access members
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