Services - Brands

Magnet aims to professionalize content creators and grow the influencer industry in Puerto Rico, Latin America, and the Hispanic community in the United States. That’s why we offer workshops, educational content, and subscription plans with the resources you need to professionalize your platforms and develop your skills as a content creator.

From A to Z

We are your guides through every stage of the process, from goal setting to the final reports.

Attract your
ideal audience

We pride ourselves in finding the perfect match between brands and creators as we develop campaign strategies that maximize your brand’s advertising efforts.

Helping Hand

More than just matchmaking, we help you develop and execute strategies that meet your brand’s objectives, assist in negotiations with influencers, and even maximize your reach by distributing your news to a large database.


We help you develop tangible KPIs and monitor the results of each initiative to prove what we know at Magnet: Influencer marketing works!

Let's Talk

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